Let’s talk about the Elephant in the room.
Let’s address the elephant in the room…your subcontractors work consistently for you and have been for years and should probably be on the books.
Nobody enjoys an HMRC enquiry!
HMRC enquiries can be stressful, time-consuming and costly. Batten down the hatches and make sure you are ready.
Don’t be fooled by the wolf in sheep’s clothing!
HMRC might be pleasant at the start of an enquiry, but don’t let your guard down.
The unknown problems with CIS
A lot of companies make mistakes over CIS because of a simple misunderstanding of the rules but it can end up being a very expensive mistake.
IR35 Double Taxation
One of Marble’s directors, Kye Burchmore, was asked to write an article for Bloomsbury Publishing on the current IR35 consultation regarding offsetting liabilities. IR35 Consultation on double taxation (bloomsburyprofessional.com) When the IR35 legislation was amended in 2017 it led to the possibility of HMRC recouping double the taxation due as there was no offset mechanism […]
IR35 – Who should walk the plank?
Don’t jump straight in and assess whether an individual’s relationship with an end client is akin to an employment relationship and therefore caught by IR35. It is important to pause for a moment first and determine who in fact should be the one to take the plunge. If you are lucky enough to be tasked […]